
Learn how organizations deploying 云 architectures in heavily regulated sectors - like healthcare, 能源, 和财务-受益于CSPM解决方案.



云安全态势管理(CSPM) is a solution that identifies 和 remediates 威胁 in an enterprise 云 environment. CSPM解决方案检测, 监控, 日志, 报告, 并使用自动化来管理安全风险, 与开发人员和IT安全团队协同工作.

CSPM的其他关键功能包括安全风险评估, 事件响应, 与DevOps的集成. CSPM solutions are compatible with multi-云, 混合动力, 和 containerized 云 environments. 


CSPM很重要,因为云环境是高度动态的, 更多用户通过自助接入方式部署资源和服务. Unsurprisingly, protecting a 云 infrastructure from cybercriminals is a highly complex process. 随着企业现在利用公共资源的组合,这种复杂性继续增加, 私人, 混合动力, 以及多云架构.

不用说,旧的网络安全模式在很大程度上不适用于云计算. For instance, because 云 environments don’t have a defined perimeter like older network designs, 身份和访问管理(IAM) 更具挑战性. 此外,手动SecOps流程在规模上变得低效. 也, the decentralized nature of classic networks provides little visibility for administrators to 监控 activity 和潜在的 威胁.

简单地说,复杂的云架构仍然难以配置和管理. In fact, Gartner notes that 95% of 网络安全 breaches are caused by configuration errors. So, properly configuring any 云 environment plays a key role in protecting it from a broad range of 威胁无论是蓄意攻击还是无意的错误.

CSPM tools provide the necessary 云 visibility to detect 和 prevent configuration errors before they cause a breach. 自动化功能可确保尽快识别和处理威胁. In the future, some CSPM solutions may even leverage AI to predict where risks are likely to arise. 最终, CSPM工具提供组织可见性, 保护, 并将修复作为总体云安全策略的一部分.


The benefits of CSPM are most effective when used in a multi-云 infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) environment. Companies are protected in their 云 environments from configuration mistakes that lead to security breaches. 让我们来看看一些关键的好处: 

  • CSPM平台提供统一的可见性 across multi-云 environments, so configuration errors are detected 和 remediated automatically. 
  • CSPM工具提供了单一的事实来源 用于监控企业云基础设施的管理员. 警报使用一个公共系统传输, 而不是为每个云服务提供商单独提供. 
  • 自动修复 有助于减少误报警报的可能性. 此功能可帮助管理员更高效地工作. 
  • 持续的监控 of the 云 with a CSPM tool ensures that all company security policies are followed. Simultaneously, these tools remediate any detected issues without user intervention. 
  • 有价值的环境 是否通过映射云基础设施之间的相互依赖关系来交付, 服务, 和抽象层,以充分了解风险的来源和范围. 
  • CSPM 工具有助于识别工作负载问题 和潜在的 攻击表面/曝光 通过检测配置问题/与最佳实践的偏差. They interoperate with native 监控ing 和 alerting to provide effective incident identification 和 escalation.


CSPM works by deploying tools that bring a wide variety of benefits to the companies using them. 通过了解技术的实际工作原理, users 和 organizations can gain a deeper underst和ing of where it fits among other 网络安全 平台. 最终, 这是IT的关键知识, 云, SecOps, 以及合规和风险管理团队. 

当然, 安全自动化 在提高安全运维团队的效率方面发挥着关键作用,无论是否使用云. CSPM leverages automation to identify 和 remediate 威胁 before any adverse impact. 这些潜在的威胁包括那些危险的配置错误, 开放IP端口, 未经授权的活动, 和更多的. 这是一种全天候运作的主动方法, 确保公司的云基础设施始终受到保护.  

成功采用 DevSecOps 了解无缝集成来自不同供应商的工具的重要性. CSPM在这一过程中绝对有帮助, providing both IT teams 和 DevSecOps teams one source of the truth on their current 云 security posture. Security policies for all 云 assets are managed 和 enforced from a single console, 这使得该工具成为许多企业有效和高效的选择.


CSPM tools can provide a comprehensive view of a company's entire 云 infrastructure. 这种实时可见性包括应用程序和工作负载的配置, 以及其他资产和配置. 

随着新的云部署和连接的实现, the CSPM tool automatically discovers them 和 analyzes their potential threat level. 它应该能够提供检测, 日志记录, 报告, 和 automation that addresses security as it relates to compliance 和 regulatory st和ards. 

Organizations deploying 云 architectures in heavily regulated sectors - like healthcare, 能源, 和 finance - should find that a CSPM solution is capable of continuous real-time 监控ing that helps to solve security concerns relating to misconfigurations, 以及上面提到的跨部门的多云治理问题.


The 云 infrastructure security posture assessment (CISPA) provided an earlier option for 云 security. 然而, it focused more on 报告ing functionality as opposed to the automated proactive approach ushered in by CSPM. 因此,它是一种过时的解决方案,不适合复杂的云架构.

云工作负载保护平台(CWPPs) possess a singular goal of identifying 和 analyzing workloads in a 云 environment. 很明显, 这种方法不同于CSPM解决方案, which are tasked with analyzing all security aspects of 云-based infrastructures. 同时使用这两种工具可以提供一个集成的解决方案, 如何充分利用CSPM的自动化.

Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) provide a security layer between 云 service providers 和 their customers. 他们分析所有传入的流量, 在允许访问网络之前验证策略遵从性. The feature set of a typical CASB includes firewalls, malware 保护, 和 data security. Because CSPM solutions feature automated policy compliance 监控ing among their other capabilities, integrating both tools as part of a common 云 security strategy is a wise choice. 


CSPM与a的积分 SIEM platform provides administrators with a single view of all activity across the company’s 云 assets. This approach makes it easier to identify 和 remediate incorrectly configured assets 和 other potential vulnerabilities in the 云 environment.

Proper integration of any CSPM solution with other DevOps tools plays a critical role in the successful adoption of the new 云 security archetype. 所有SecOps, DevOps, 和 technical infrastructure teams benefit from a common approach to 报告ing 和 real-time dashboards.

The 云 benchmarks from the Center of Internet Security serve as a valuable goal for any company’s CSPM adoption. This approach helps ensure organizational policies continue to meet the evolving st和ards of the constantly changing global 云 environment.

Focus on analyzing the variety of 云 security risks with a goal of prioritizing the most critical ones. 让CSPM自动修复低优先级的问题, 仅在检测到严重威胁时发送警报. This approach prevents alert fatigue from degrading the efficiency of the 云 administration team 和 allows them to focus on the problems that can’t be solved with automation.


2022 Cloud Misconfigurations Report: Latest 云安全 Breaches 和 Attack Trends

